Wednesday, July 18, 2007


It's a beautiful day today, and this morning I took the zoom lens out to take some pictures of birds. I couldn't find any Galahs or Cockatoos, and the Rainbow lorikeets were hidden in the leaves, but I did get some pictures of another type of lorikeet, the Eastern Rosella. I'm kind of proud of these pictures, even if they are a bit dark. The normal-looking birds are Crested Pigeons, which always look as if they're surprised, the black and white bird is an Australian Magpie, and I have no idea what the flying bird is; I was just happy I got the shot.

The first three pictures are fantails from New Zealand. I loved these birds and these are my favorite pictures. I particularly like the second one, where you can see the insect the bird is chasing.

(I have signed up for my classes, too, but I will write more on that later. Now that I am at school, there aren't as many exciting things happening.)

Look at these in full size!!

1 comment:

Rick said...

I'm glad you got out and I like the pictures, I really like the one of the silhouette of the bird against just the sky